Samstag, 5. April 2008

Health and Deadlines

Thought cannot be forced, like trying to turn a turnip into a tomato. You can try but will you get the results you want? Probably not. Looking for solutions to challenges comes with effort, and time. The key is to realize when you have reached the point of exhaustion and should pull back to give yourself a rest. Otherwise you will feel like dead wood. The time you spend in hospital recovering from not taking a break, will end up being quite long in comparison to having done so. Taking your focus away from the challenge for a while, will give you a chance to relax and free yourself from the stress. Quite often, the solutions arise during the time your focus is elsewhere. Deadlines are important, just make sure you don't end up sacrificing your health to do it.

1 Kommentar:

Mu hat gesagt…

I completely agree with you. "Deadlines" at work should not become "Deathlines" of our heart and soul. And "Challenges" can be handled with "Balances"... Isn't it ;-)