Sonntag, 29. Mai 2016

Poem May 30th 2016: Water Gilled Train by Blair Gaulton

Water Gilled Train
Water gilled train flaps along the tracks.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 29th 2016: Sails 'n' Wind 1 by Blair Gaulton

Sails ‘n’ Wind 1 
Sails bristle;
as wind waves 
wielding its chisel.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 28th 2016: The Non Existent Rope by Blair Gaulton

The Non Existent Rope
The non existent rope skips;
sending ripples through the mind;
while watching the sunshine.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016

Poem May 27th 2016: The Wire by Blair Gaulton

The Wire
If love is a wire; then we end up  electrocuted.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2016

Poem May 26th 2015: Lack by Blair Gaulton

A lack of sugar is like balancing on
a non existent rope.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

Poem May 25th 2016 The Unbuilt Bridge by Blair Gaulton

The Unbuilt Bridge 
An unrealized life 
is like an unbuilt bridge.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Montag, 23. Mai 2016

Poem May 24th 2016: Sun's Tears by Blair Gaulton

Sun’s Tears
Sun’s tears;
drown you in warmth.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 23rd 2016: Slobbering Clouds by Blair Gaulton

Slobbering Clouds
Slobbering clouds laughing
paint everything.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

Poem May 22nd 2016: In Memory of Ross Cork by Blair Gaulton

This poem is in memory of a good friend of mine Ross Cork who passed away in Auroville, India on My 19th. I had the good fortune of being involved with him in the Munich Writers Group in Munich Germany. We spent many hours together in discussion debate and laughter.

In Memory of Ross Cork
Your wisdom words wit
and insightful observations.
Profound yet simple explanations;
would show us another way 
to see the world. 
You would inspire thought writing
and conversation.
They are treasures of you;
that live on in our memories.  
You are unforgettable
and will be sorely missed my friend.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

Poem May 21st 2016: Be Like A Blade of Grass by Blair Gaulton

Be Like A Blade of Grass
Be supple;
like a blade of grass.
It finds a way to manoeuvre;
in spite of troubles.
Comes back;
after being bent frozen or cut down.
Be like a blade of grass!
You’ll discover a way;
to find solutions
‘n’ turn a frown into a smile;
as you go through
your kilometers ‘n’ miles
of living.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016

Poem May 20th 2016: Badge of Contradiction by Blair Gaulton

Badge of Contradiction 
You wear loneliness; 
as a badge of pride. 
Yet complain;
about the lack of people in your life. 
We are all living contradictions.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016

Poem May 19th 2016 Water on Strike by Blair Gaulton

Water on Strike
Water goes on strike;
causing people to go on a hike.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Poem May 18th 2016: The Candle's Reply by Blair Gaulton

The Candle’s Reply
Like all things;
I live change and die.
Whether my life is short
or long does not matter.
What matters is that I touch other lives;
so they can see and reach out.
Feel comfort ‘n’ come together.
This is something beautiful;
which I treasure as my time ends.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Montag, 16. Mai 2016

Poem May 17th 2016: A Question for the Burning Candle by Blair Gaulton

A Question for the Burning Candle
Does the flickering candle
while shrinking; contemplate
upon its beautiful moments?
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Half-Eaten Flower by Blair Gaulton

Half-eaten Flower
Half-eaten flower;
pain tsunamied.
Dances in wind to celebrate
its survival 'n' determination
to go on.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2016

Poem May 16th 2016: Loose Petal by Blair Gaulton

Loose Petal
I am a loose petal;
clinging on a flower
in reality's gale.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 15th 2016: Emotions' Checkmate by Blair Gaulton

Emotions' Checkmate
Emotions' checkmate senses.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 14th 2016: Realization's Rain by Blair Gaulton

Realization’s Rain
Realization’s rain
douses us with awareness
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 13th 2016: Clouds by Blair Gaulton

Clouds slide down mountain;  
as if riding on a toboggan.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 12th 2016: The Wrinkled Book by Blair Gaulton

The Wrinkled Book
The wrinkled book smiles aerobically.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 11th 2016: Wind's Watery Canvas by Blair Gaulton

Wind’s Watery Canvas
Wind paints over its watery canvas
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 10th 2016: Snow's Fangs by Blair Gaulton

Snow’s Fangs
Snow’s fangs
bite into the mountainside.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 9th 2016: Fog 'n' Freedom by Blair Gaulton

Fog 'n' Freedom
To which shore
I will go?
I do not know?
Off I will row,
and fade into the fog.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 8th 2016: Questions to the Punched Wall by Blair Gaulton

Questions to the Punched Wall
Does a punched wall
see itself as damaged,
a victim of senseless
violence 'n' abuse?
Or rather a new form
of art criticizing inane politics?
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 7th 2016

Inspired by a conversation with Nandita.

A Smile
A smile is a dream;
that glows 'n' shows;
beyond what you know.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 6th 2016

No More Blank Blankets
Blankets angry;
about how people
tamper with them;
to fit their needs;
without talking to them.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 5th 2016

Sadness and Happiness' Trains
Sadness' train;
stops at every station.
Happiness' train stops from time to time.
Relish 'n' treasure it
every moment is priceless.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 4th 2016

Late ‘n’ Early
What a game!
Early comes late ‘n’ 
late comes early;
fascinated by observing human fury.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Apr-May 2016

Poem May 3rd 2016

Nature’s Rhythms
Nature’s rhythms;
do not race;
to save face.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 2nd 2016

Mean Clouds
Amused clouds;
laugh uproariously at
wind's bad taste.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem May 1st 2016

Dancing Hail
Hail twinkles 'n' ripples;
while dancing
in sunlight.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)May 2016

Poem Apr 30th 2016

Shopping Strategy
Fog hides store;
hoping to get all the bargains;
for its self.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Apr 2016

Poem Apr 29th 2016

Wakefulness’ chatter ‘n’ natter;
causes such a clatter; 
you’re yanked out of your dreams
probably not pleased.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Apr 2016

Poem Apr 28th 2016

May our hearts be filled;
with wonder love ‘n’ thrills.
May we dare to take steps
to realize our dreams ‘n’ be fulfilled.
May we go on;
never stop when things go wrong.
Be creative 
‘n’ find another way.
Take critics ‘n’ naysayers
with a grain of salt.
All they want to do is find fault;
‘n’ disrupt your focus ‘n’ thought.
Use them as motivation ‘n’ inspiration
to go on.
You will succeed
and have the pleasure
to hear them sing another song.
They will never admit about 
being wrong.
Suddenly they always believed
you would make it after all.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Apr 2016

Poem Apr 27th 2016

Thoughtful Tidbits
Thoughtful tidbits tinker slowly;
easing their way into awareness;
then blossoming into eureka!
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Apr 2016

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

Traveling by Blair Gaulton

Dear friends at the moment I am traveling.
Unfortunately there is no internet connection where I am. I will be putting up posts from time to time when I find Wi-fi or WLAN.
Best Wishes and Warmest Regards