Mittwoch, 30. April 2008

Apr 30th 2008 Daily Poem

paint car
with fragrance
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Dienstag, 29. April 2008

Apr 29th 2008 Daily Poem

Perspiring umbrella
dribbling pools onto ground
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Montag, 28. April 2008

Apr 28th 2008 Daily Poem

gnarled beams
curdle landscape
after storm
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Apr 27th 2008 Daily Poem

eyes riveted downwards
like an upturned glass
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Samstag, 26. April 2008

Apr 26th 2008 Daily Poem

Rainy Day
plastic bag
lashed around her head
from rain's intrusions
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Freitag, 25. April 2008

About Writing

Night is wonderful. It is a great time to sit back and reflect on daylight's adventures. This "quiet time" is useful to help unwind, relax, examine yourself and the world around you. It is a great time to write and explore the possibilities that writing can give you. Some times you come out of it with a lot, other times sporadic sprinkles. What matters is that you undertake the opportunity and pursue it. Some times you may go without sleep but it is worth it. A piece may make you feel like you are falling to pieces to get it right but other times and other works flow marvellously. This is what we all go through. You know a piece is ready because it feels right, it touches you or moves you in some way. For me, when I write something and I end up crying after writing it, I know I have found something valuable and beautiful at the same time. I think that all who write strive for this, to make it happen as often as possible. It is a wonderful thing to see something that you have written move someone else. That is one of the joys of sharing your writing with the world.

Apr 25th 2008 Daily Poem

licorice lashed hair
weeds eyes
from strange stares
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Donnerstag, 24. April 2008

A Thought

Some days you feel like you've been hit by a truck and other days you feel like a dancing butterfly. Most days come and go like the water in a flowing stream. We all have highs and lows in our lives, which tends to colour our perspective on existence.

Oct 30th 2008 Daily Poem

The Rat
skurtling rat
dodging feet
legs bikes poles
jumping into darkness
(C)BJG Oct 2008

Apr 24th 2008 Daily Poem

engraved telephone
lilts on platfrom
as if trying to hide
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Mittwoch, 23. April 2008

Apr 23rd 2008 Daily Poem

Too much reflection
leads to a dusty mirror
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Dienstag, 22. April 2008

Apr 22nd 2008 Daily Poem

Unwritten letters
do not waste ink
but your heart.
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Montag, 21. April 2008

Apr 21st 2008 Daily Poem

patters floor
as if giving a massage.
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Sonntag, 20. April 2008

Apr 20th 2008 Daily Poem

Spring Warmth
Flouting on platform
raking in sunshine
waiting for a train
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Samstag, 19. April 2008

Apr 19th Daily Poem

The Heap
Wounded tracks
laid aside
decomposing in sunshine
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Freitag, 18. April 2008

Apr 18th 2008 Daily Poem

Diverse angles
in chairs
waiting to be vertical
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Donnerstag, 17. April 2008

Apr 17th 2008 Daily Poem

Rugs acquire spots
like people wrinkles
(c)BJG Apr 17/2008

Mittwoch, 16. April 2008

Apr 16th 2008 Daily Poem

Wind grapples
scorches face
painting it
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Dienstag, 15. April 2008

Apr 15th 2008 Daily Poem

The Mixer
Wind wrangles scents
whipping them together
like a cocktail
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Montag, 14. April 2008

Apr 14th 2008 Daily Poem

turns an old masterpiece
into new one
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Sonntag, 13. April 2008

Apr 13th Daily Poem

Deck lashed
by ocean
pruning it
into slivers
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Samstag, 12. April 2008

Apr 12th 2008 Daily Poem

Wheel trenches mud
carving trail
into landscape
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Freitag, 11. April 2008

Apr 11th 2008 Daily Poem

Ocean kissed stones
in sunlight
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Donnerstag, 10. April 2008

April 10th Daily Poem

waddled carriage
trembles on path
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Mittwoch, 9. April 2008

My Computer's Vacation

These past couple of days have been troubling. Mostly because my computer went on vacation. I hope it had an enjoyable time. Maybe it was discussing with friends the way to milk diverse reactions from those who have become dependant on it. I can imagine one possible discussion...Watch the humans blow a fuse...Wow, look at his face turning all those funny colours...I wonder what will happen if we try this...Hey, this is better than watching a movie! Let's change the background picture to see how he'll react...Look out candid camera.
It was a vacation for me as well, it made my life quieter but I was filled with a sense of being disconnected from many friends whom I could normally reach via email or chat. Technology gives us many benefits but it also has a down side. It is important to adapt to technology but at the same time not to forget how to communicate & work with others when it goes on vacation.

April 9th Daily Poem

Am I a Luddite?
is a two sided door
(c)BJG Apr 2008

April 8th Daily Poem

Spring Vision
Sun sweeps branches
glowering warmly
in afternoon wind
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Apr 7th 2008 Daily Poem

Computer's Vacation
Crashed computer
is like
a scuttled ship
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Sonntag, 6. April 2008

April 6th 2008 Daily Poem

shuddering box
spills pictures
like pouring milk
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Samstag, 5. April 2008

Debunking Doubts

We all have doubts, that is a part of living. At some point in our lives it is important to face them and see what are they really? Fear? Excuses? Obstacles? Self-limiting thoughts? Safety valve? They are a combination of all these things. No one living wants to see themselves screw up or make a fool of themselves. We all want to be respected and valued for who we are. The doubts are there to tell us that we might not be doing something so brilliant or spectacular as what we think. Fear tells us that if we fail we will be worse off than before. We are afraid of losing what we have, excuses arises to lull us back into our comfort zone, making obstacles seem even more unsurmountable than before. Let's face it, if you really want something it involves risk and working for it. A gold medallist spends countless hours preparing for competition as does the person who comes in last place. They train hard and push themselves to be the best they can, but do not always come in first place. It is a good feeling when you realize that you have improved(without doping) in spite of risk of injury. In the end the Gold medallist might get more recognition, but everyone has won something from it. Pushing yourself to find your boundaries teaches you that you can get better and improve your skills. There will be always be critics, often the hardest critic is yourself especially when you do not reach your goals. Anyone can give up, you do not need a Phd to quit. Be determined, face your doubts and show them that they are mirages, that will fade with your growing self-confidence.

Health and Deadlines

Thought cannot be forced, like trying to turn a turnip into a tomato. You can try but will you get the results you want? Probably not. Looking for solutions to challenges comes with effort, and time. The key is to realize when you have reached the point of exhaustion and should pull back to give yourself a rest. Otherwise you will feel like dead wood. The time you spend in hospital recovering from not taking a break, will end up being quite long in comparison to having done so. Taking your focus away from the challenge for a while, will give you a chance to relax and free yourself from the stress. Quite often, the solutions arise during the time your focus is elsewhere. Deadlines are important, just make sure you don't end up sacrificing your health to do it.

April 5th 2008 Daily Poem

Light trickles
from windows
painting night
with pictures
(c)BJG Apr 5/2008

Freitag, 4. April 2008

April 4th 2008 Daily Poem

lightened lightbulb
garnished with
water & flower
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Donnerstag, 3. April 2008

April 3rd 2008 Daily Poem

Spilled syrup
greases floor
like a confused painting
(c) BJG Apr 2008

Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

Mottos and Living

My motto has always been "expect the unexpected always". It has been a way to prepare for anything and everything. Why? Am I afraid that something really weird is going to happen? perhaps it is just a habit that I have conditioned myself to be ready. You could say that it is a monumental waste of energy, preparing for disasters or surprises that never appear. Maybe it is a fear of being unable to react when a reaction is necessary. Whatever it is, it is a part of me. It must be examined and changed to meet with the circumstances under which I now live. Easier said than done. All of us have things within us that we must re-evaluate to see if they help us with our lives or if they hinder our growth and development. We change, we grow, we live. This journey we are on challenges our beliefs, our perspective of the world and the things around us. It is easy to stay like a locked door and ignore the knocking outside. That does not help us to understand other people or ourselves. Encountering others challenges us to examine ourselves and our beliefs. When we talk to others we get a different perspective, we might not agree with it but it shows us that there are other ways of doing things, living and seeing the world. Being able to face differences is not difficult, to learn from the differences and respect them as being valid is one of the greatest challenges that Humanity has today. Unlock the door, by keeping it closed you are only diminshing your opportunities for friendship ,understanding and building a bridge between cultures. We all share this planet we live on. We need to learn to work together.

April 2nd Daily Poem

Wind 1 Trash 0
Wind weaves
wrestles wrappers
into garbage can
(c)BJG Apr 2008

Dienstag, 1. April 2008

Look Around

Spring is a wonderful time for the awakening of the imagination. Nature is reviving after winter's break. If you look there are many things going on around you. Stop and take a look, wherever you are. Often we are in rush and do not really see what is happening because we are in a hurry to get to work, school or an appointment. This shuts us out from experiencing the world around us. By slowing down a little bit or stopping for a while you might see something you never noticed before. A chipmunk scurrying up a tree, something new on a building you walk by everyday. Open yourself up and see what is going on. You will be surprised!

April 1st Daily Poem

Breeze gnaws clothes
shivering them dry
(c)BJG Apr 2008